Lusli Music Genre
Lusli is a pop songwriter and artist that produces three types of songs:
Some might call it dark pop.
Some call it a little country.
Some say every song is a love song.

“I song write to express myself and share insights into my thoughts and story. Thanks for tuning-in.”
– Lusli
Lusli Music Genre
Lusli is a pop songwriter and artist that produces three types of songs:
Some might call it dark pop.
Some call it a little country.
Some say every song is a love song.

“I song write to express myself and share insights into my thoughts and story. Thanks for tuning-in.” –Lusli

Lusli talks about the song Famous
About Lusli
Lusli is a pop artist and songwriter. Lusli learned from Grammy nominated songwriter Kara DioGuardi that when an artist is songwriting the challenge is to get as vulnerable as you possibly can to give a song depth and meaning. Songwriting is storytelling, and some of the best stories are real and raw. Another key aspect to Lusli’s songwriting is his desire and ability to collaborate with other songwriters, producers, and artists. He believes when you share an idea, and everybody contributes, critiques, and creates, the product turns out much better. He thanks all the talented songwriters and producers who believed in him, and continue to believe in his ideas. Lusli writes songs to share with the World who he is as an artist. “That’s the fun part,” Lusli says, “To see how people relate and respond to the story you are telling.” Famous is Lusli’s first single. He is excited to share more of his art. Thanks for tuning-in.

More Lusli Music to Come

Coming Soon

Still Building

Still Producing
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